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The restore of the various Jira objects is possible via the multiple restore workflows available in the app, below is a listing of the Jira objects that are restorable in each of the workflows:

  • Clone & Restore → Clone→ Assets configurations

  • Assets configurations

    • Object schema

    • Object types

      • Attributes

    • Statuses

    • Reference Types

Clone & Restore → Granular restore → Assets objects

  • Assets objects

    • Objects

      • Objects attribute’s values

Clone & Restore →Granular restore → Jira issues

  • Jira Issues: You can restore Jira issues in two ways - you can create a new copy of the issues and revert existing issues. Following contents are restored

    • Issues

      • Attachments

      • Issue field values

      • Comments

      • Links (Only same project)

      • Worklogs

Clone & Restore →Granular restore → Jira issue attachments

  • Jira issue attachments: You can restore issue attachments in same issue or in another issue. Following contents are restored

    • Attachments

Clone & Restore → Clone

  • Automation rules

  • Jira configurations

  • Project

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