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Release Notes

July 4, 2024
  • Duplicate configuration objects

    • Fields

    • Field Context

Screenshot from 2024-07-15 16-15-05-20240715-104505.png

May 21, 2024
  • Form templates

    • Backup

    • Restore


May 2, 2024
  • Backup and restore support of new Jira configuration items

    • Permission scheme

    • Notification scheme

    • Issue security scheme

    • Project roles

    • Groups

    • Resolutions

  • Malware scanner of Jira issue attachments


April 15, 2024

Introduced ‘Assets - cross site restore’ feature

  • Restore assets object schema & object types in it from source site to destination site

Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-18-36-20240506-064836.png

Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-19-02-20240506-064902.png

Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-22-07-20240506-065207.png
Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-22-30-20240506-065230.png
Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-22-39-20240506-065239.png
Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-24-41-20240506-065441.png

August 30, 2023

  • Introduced ‘Restore objects with object schema & object type’ feature

    • Restore assets objects with object schema & object type restore

August 12, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Project clone with issues’ feature

    • Clone projects with issues from source site to destination site or self site

May 14, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Bulk Issue recovery’ feature

    • Recover issues in bulk within same site or across cloud sites

    • Complete flexibility to map Issue types and Custom fields across sites

April 16, 2023
  • Introduced two new features.

    • 'Jira Configurations Clone

      • Clone Jira configuration within same cloud site or across cloud sites with confidence

      • Clone objects at granular level

      • Simplify your Change Management efforts to clone data across Prod & Sandbox sites.

      • Versioned data for data recovery in case of misconfigurations

    • ‘Notifications for Backup, Restore, Delete jobs’

      • Admin are no more required to login into Revyz app on daily basis

      • Revyz app will create Jira tickets within your site for ease of monitoring

      • Track all the Revyz jobs as issue and monitor using custom dashboards

March 26, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Backup & Restore of Assets Objects’ feature.

    • Protect your Assets Objects data by enabling Revyz backup for Assets

    • Assets Objects’ includes ‘Objects’, 'References', ‘Comments’

    • Option to restore Objects at granular level or in bulk

February 26, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Cleanup Actions’ feature.

    • Cleanup stale configuration objects with ease

    • Ability to select objects in bulk and delete in one click

    • Auto suggestion if the objects can be deleted

    • Smart detection if the selected objects were backed up by Revyz and if it can be recovered in future from Revyz snapshots.

February 21, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Backup & Restore of Assets configuration’ feature.

    • Protect your Assets configuration by enabling Revyz backup for Assets

    • Add ‘Atlassian API token’ and get started with Assets backup

    • Assets configuration’ includes ‘Object schema’, 'Object types', ‘Attributes’, ‘Status’

  • Backup jobs page

    • Added more cards to the detailed view of backup jobs.

    • Now other than backup logs, get detailed stats of what gets backed up on UI.

  • Restore jobs page

    • Added ‘Snapshot name’ field in Restore job’s filter view. It represents the snapshot which was selected during restore.

    • Use this information for audit & compliance use cases.

February 14, 2023
  • Dashboard page (in Backup, Restore modules)

    • Clicking on 'Jobs summary' pie chart on Dashboard page navigates to respective Jobs page with pre-filled filters.

    • Example: While on ‘Backup' → ‘Dashboard’ page, if you click on ‘Partially successful’ section on the pie chart, it will take you to the ‘Backup’ → ‘Jobs’ page. The filter ’Status: Partial Success' will be automatically applied.

February 4, 2023
  • Introduced ‘Cross-site connections’ feature

    • Link multiple Revyz apps installed across separate sites.

    • Cross-site connections enables you to clone projects across sites.

  • 'Site-Insights' page

    • Introduced ‘Configuration map’ feature as beta.

    • Use new graph map view to explore your configuration.

    • Now you can drill down into a specific project and check it’s connected Permission schemes, Workflow schemes and visually identify the connected objects such as role actors, Issue types etc.

    • Added ‘Boards’ in ‘Graph view’ and ‘Card view’ under the ‘Summary’ tab

February 1, 2023
  • 'Site-Insights' page

    • Introduced new ‘Graph view’ along with existing ‘Card view’ under 'Summary' tab.

    • Capture site statistics in graph view and leverage it for internal documentation, migration projects etc.

January 8, 2023
  • Introducing ‘Project clone’ feature as beta.

    • Clone Project along with it’s configuration.

    • It allows you to replicate a project within same site while creating new copies of all its configuration which includes.

January 3, 2023
  • 'Revyz Data Security' app gets a fresh page in its left navigation bar.

    • New Page → ‘Settings

      • Settings’ contains global settings for Backup & Restore modules.

  • 'Site-Insights' page

    • New ‘Filters’ added to attachment listing table.

  • 'Audit log' page

    • New tab ‘Site-insights’ added under ‘Audit log’ page to track all access events for ‘Site-Insights’ page.

December 25, 2022
  • 'Revyz Data Security' app now gets 3 fresh pages in its left navigation bar.

    • New pages → ‘Site insights’, 'Audit log' and ‘Support center’.

    • This change is done to help quick navigation across key features of Revyz app.

  • Insights’ now renamed to ‘Site insights

    • Moved ‘Insights’ from ‘Backup’ page to its dedicated page.

  • Relocated ‘Backup audit log' & ‘Restore audit log’ from respective settings location to its dedicated page. All the Revyz audits can now be found in one place be it ‘Backup audits’ or ‘Restore audits'.

  • Leverage ‘Support Center’ to quickly access product documentation, release notes, FAQs and other information.

  • Site-Insights

    • Introduced ‘Attachments’ insights. With a quick glance get to know:

      • Per project total attachments count.

      • Per project total attachment size.

      • Attachment size per file extension.

      • View all attachments available in snapshots.

December 4, 2022
  • Insights

    • New 'Issue stats' section added under Insights.

    • Get a quick graphical view of Issues change history for last 7 days.

    • Track Issue delete history along with issue details for last 30 days.

  • Restore

    • Added ‘Post Actions’ in Restore job details section

      • Now you can easily overcome the Jira API limitation to transition restored issue statuses to appropriate status.

      • Simply download the CSV with JQL and transition the restored issues to respective status using Jira’s bulk update.

October 30, 2022
  • Restore

    • ‘Revert Issues’ feature

      • Revert existing issues to previous snapshot without creating new tickets.

      • Bulk revert issues to recover from accidental/malicious changes done to the existing issues.

October 21, 2022
  • Restore

    • ‘Restore Issue family’ feature

      • Restore targeted Epics or Issues along with its entire hierarchy, no need to revert entire site.

      • Select & restore specific Epics to automatically get you all the Epics & children underneath it.

      • Select & restore specific child issues such as Stories or Sub-tasks to automatically create its parent hierarchy without having to remember and select those issues during the restore process.

      • Shorter restore time due to targeted dataset.

      • Verbose job details along with issue Key mapping for simplified tracking.

      • Verbose logging along with status codes for power users.

October 3, 2022
  • Backup

    • Improvements in ‘Backup Job Details’ page

      • Added 'Logs' section as new tab

        • Detailed view of backup activity

        • Investigate log for any errors, warnings & other information

      • Added ‘Filters' specific card

        • View Filters specific stats for a given backup job

      • Added ‘Search' functionality to the Project list table in ‘Issues’ backup job

        • You can search for specific projects when on ‘Backup Job Details’ page

  • Restore

    • Added ‘Filters’ as new option under ‘Advanced Restore’ → ‘Configuration'.

      • Now restore Filters

    • Option to ‘Restore attachments to alternate issue’

    • New section ‘Restore settings’ added in Restore view under gear icon.

    • New configuration setting to opt in/out of ‘Restore issues as attachments’.

      • Configure specifically if you want Revyz restore to attach original issue’s json & csv to the restored ticket.

September 20, 2022
  • Backup

    • New Jira objects supported for backup

      • Project components

      • Project roles

      • Project role actors

  • Restore

    • ‘Attachment manager’ added to Revyz Labs

      • List & restore backed up attachments using Advanced Restore

    • Job logs added to 'Restore Job details'

      • Detailed view of restore activity

      • Investigate log for any errors, warnings & other information

September 12, 2022
  • Backup

    • Backup job details

  • Restore

    • Restore job details with status codes to help debug restore errors

September 6, 2022
  • Backup

    • Backup of Jira Software projects and corresponding issues

      • Issue related objects backed-up include:

        • Attachments

        • Comments

        • Link

        • Votes

        • Worklogs

    • Backup of Jira configuration objects

      • Screens

      • Screen tab

      • Screen tabs fields

      • Workflows

      • Workflow transition rules

      • Workflow transition properties

      • Filters

      • Issue link types

      • Issue types

      • Project Categories

    • 24 hour backup frequency

    • On-demand backup of issues or configuration or both

    • 1 Yr retention of backed-up data

    • Data storage region - AWS US East (N. Virginia)

    • Ability to start / stop backups

    • Downloadable Backup job view for compliance reporting & auditing

  • Restore

    • Granular restore of issues into the original projects as new issues

      • Restored elements include:

        • Attachments

        • Comments

        • Link

        • Votes

        • Worklogs

      • Attachment of original object in json & csv formats

    • Granular restore of screens, workflows

    • Quick restore of Issues captured via subscribed web-hooks

    • Downloadable Restore job view for compliance reporting & auditing

  • Analytics

    • Site Insights - giving details of the Jira site

  • Security

    • Audit log of all app activity

    • KMS based Envelope Encryption

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