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Create new copy(Bulk issues)

  • Use cases ( Same site & Cross site restore )
    - You can clone issues from one project to other project or in same project. Following are some possible use cases.

    • Jira software company managed projects - Jira software company managed projects

    • Jira service company managed projects - Jira service company managed projects

    • Jira work company managed projects - Jira work company managed projects

    • Jira software Team managed projects - Jira software Team managed projects

    • Jira service Team managed projects - Jira service Team managed projects

    • Jira work Team managed projects - Jira work team managed project

  • Example of company managed project ( same site )

  • Click on “Clone & Restore” in left navbar - > Click on Granular restore on top navbar

  • Click on Jira issues - > Create new copy

  • Select Source project details

    • Select snapshot of Issues

    • Select source project

    • Click on “Next”

  • Select Destination site details

    • Select site - Same site or Different site

    • Select destination project - It will list according to project type of source project type. If source site project is Jira software company managed project then on destination side project list , all Jira software company managed projects are listed

  • Click on Next 

  • Select filters

    • Granular - Select specific issues which you want to restore

    • All - Select all the issues from source project

  • Select issues to restore if selected filter is granular, For all issues it is auto selected

  • Click on Next : Map issue types & click on View summary

  • Click on Restore

  • Confirm prompt message & Restore

  • Example of team managed project ( cross - site )

  • Click on “Clone & Restore” in left navbar - > Click on Granular restore on top navbar

  • Click on Jira issues - > Create new copy

  • Select Source project details

    • Select snapshot of Issues

    • Select source project

    • Click on “Next”

  • Select Destination site details

    • Select site - Same site or Different site

    • Select destination project - It will list according to project type of source project type. If source site project is Jira service team managed project then on destination side project list , all Jira service team managed projects are listed

  • Click on Next 

  • Select filters

    • Granular - Select specific issues which you want to restore

    • All - Select all the issues from source project

  • Select issues to restore if selected filter is granular, For all issues it is auto selected

Screenshot from 2024-06-11 16-39-53-20240611-110953.png
  • Click on Map issue types : Map issue types - Map source & destination side Issue types

Screenshot from 2024-06-11 16-44-53-20240611-111453.png
  • Click on Next: Map fields - Map source & destination side fields

  • Click on View summary

  • Click on Restore

  • Confirm prompt message & Restore

  • Check restored issues on Jobs page

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