Once the Revyz Data Manager for Confluence app has been installed in your site, data from your confluence cloud site is automatically backed-up every 24 hours into the secure Revyz cloud data store. The Revyz cloud is built on AWS’s public cloud infrastructure.

Backup - salient points
Data backup frequency
The first backup occurs automatically as soon as the app is installed into your Confluence site, no additional action is needed.
The first backup may take significant amount of time, depending on the number of spaces that exist in your site along with the volume of pages.
Subsequent backups are automatically triggered at 12:00 AM UTC following the completion of the first backup.
Due to the incremental nature of the backup system, subsequent backups after the first backup are significantly faster as only data that has changed is backed-up
Data that is backed up
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More data objects being supported over the course of time - Please open a support ticket if you see something missing that you need ASAP
Data retention
Your backup data is retained for up to a period of 3 years
On demand backups
As an administrator you can trigger an on-demand backup at any point of time. On demand backups can be triggered from the “Backup” menu page