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  • Click on “Restore“ on left navbar

  • Click on “Restore” on top navbar - > Select Attachments

  • Select Content snapshot & click on “Preview attachments

  • It will show all the attachments present on confluence site

  • Select attachments which you want to restore

  • Restore options

    • Restore to the original location - Selected attachments will be restored at same location

    • Page - select space and page if want to restore selected attachments in particular page

    • Blog - select space and blog if want to restore selected attachments to particular blog

  • Select settings as per requirement and click on “View summary“ to check selected attachments & settings

  • Add job notes(optional) & click on “Restore

  • Once job is triggered, click on recent job id to view job status

    Screenshot from 2024-01-25 21-36-58-20240125-160658.png
  • All 3 selected Attachments are successfully restored. Click on “Show filters“ to see where the attachment is restored i.e target content name & target content type (Pages, Blogs)

Screenshot from 2024-01-25 21-37-30-20240125-160730.png

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