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Site cleanup

  • Deletion of unwanted objects. It will also give you facility to review selected objects & Is that objects are backed up by revyz

  • In custom fields, you can see locked fields

  • The objects which can’t be deleted having tool tip messages

How to perform Site cleanup

  • Click on Site cleanup in left navbar - > Click on delete in top navbar

  • You will see all jira objects in drop down

  • Choose one type & select the objects which you want to delete.

  • Click on “Review”

  • Click on delete, confirm the site & again click on delete


Download All

  • In each object, you can see Download All button on selection page. With use of this you can download all data in single file & can attach this file in Jira issue as an attachment

  • E.g. In following screenshot, Download all issue types

Screenshot from 2024-02-16 11-43-03-20240216-061302.png

Enter issue key - > Click on confirm

Screenshot from 2024-02-16 11-43-45-20240216-061345.png

Confirmation prompt to confirm entered issue key. Downloaded file will be attached in entered issue as an attachment

Screenshot from 2024-02-16 11-43-59-20240216-061359.png

BSPC-80 - Where i attached the file


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