Installing the app
To install Revyz Configuration Manager for Jira app, you must be a site admin.
1. Log in to your Jira site as an admin
Click on “Apps”
“Explore more apps

2. Search for “Revyz”
Search for the revyz app in the Atlassian marketplace

The app tile appears as the search results filter
Click on Revyz Configuration Manager for Jira
3. Install the app
Click on the “Revyz Configuration Manager for Jira” app tile to start the install process
Click on “Try it free”

Click on “Start free trial”

The app installation process starts and you will see two messages come up in the left bottom half of your screen. Installation starting message
You can see the first screen, Click on “Get Started”
You can see second screen where you get information about Data backups , Data storage region, Scheduled backup window and data retention policy. click on “Next”

On third screen, you can see all the Jira configuration objects which gets backed up. Click on “Finish“
You will get one prompt message with 2 options.
Run Jira configuration backup immediately
I agree to all the settings (required)
Select and click on “Confirm”