Restore Status Code
Jira Configurations
1. Jira Issue Type
Category: Sub-task Issue type
Reason: Sub task issue type failed as subtasks are disabled on destination site
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
2. Jira Workflows
Category: Workflows
Reason: Failed to restore the workflow contains validators, post-functions can be skipped based on various conditions
Resolution: Contact Revyz support.
Category: Workflows
Reason: Failed to restore sub-configurations of the workflow
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Workflow_Create_For_Update
Reason: When workflow needs to be updated but it is active on destination site
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Create_Workflow
Reason: Removing extra spaces in workflow name. After removing spaces, if workflow with same name is present on destination then workflow creation fails
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
3. Jira Screens
Category: Screens
Reason: Failed to restore the screen
Resolution: Contact Revyz support.
Category: Screens
Reason: Failed to restore sub-configurations of the screen
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
4. Jira Filters
Category: Filters
Reason: Failed to restore the filter
Resolution: Contact Revyz support.
Category: Filters
Reason: Failed to restore sub-configurations of the filter
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
5. Jira Issue Type Scheme
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Issue type scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Issue type creation failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Issue type avatar creation failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Issue type of epic creation failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Failed to update issue type (Description)
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type scheme
Reason: Can't remove an issue type assigned to issues
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
6. Jira Field Context
Category: Field context
Reason: Creating field context failed as context has one project A is used in another context on destination site
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
7. Jira Field Configuration Scheme
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Creating field configuration scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Restoring field configuration failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Restoring field configuration items failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Creating field failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Creating field context failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Restoring field context options failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Creating field due to Jira restrictions failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Field configuration scheme
Reason: Creating field due to Jira restrictions (Locked field) failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
8. Jira Issue Type Screen Scheme
Category: Issue type screen scheme
Reason: Creating issue type screen scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type screen scheme
Reason: Creating screen scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type screen scheme
Reason: Creating screen failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Issue type screen scheme
Reason: Creating screen tab failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
9. Jira Workflow Scheme
Category: Workflow scheme
Reason: Creating workflow scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Workflow scheme
Reason: Creating workflow failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Workflow scheme
Reason: Restoring workflow rule failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job detail
10. Jira Project
Category: Project (PROJECT_FAIL 001)
Reason: Project creation failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Project (PROJECT_CATEGORY 002)
Reason: Creating project category failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Project (PROJECT_FEATURE 003)
Reason: Creating project feature failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Project (PROJECT_FEATURE_EXCLUDED 005)
Reason: Creating project feature due to Jira restrictions failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
11. Permission Scheme
Category: Security (PERMISSION_SCHEME_FAIL 001)
Reason: Creating permission scheme failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Permission scheme Creation for Update
Reason: Creating permission scheme in case of modify scenario, because updating permission scheme involves updating permissions given to the users/groups/project roles etc... This may lead to security problems.
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
12. Miscellaneous
Category: Miscellaneous (COMPONENTS 001)
Reason: Creating project component failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (COMPONENTS_LEAD 010)
Reason: Restoring component lead possibly due to unavailability of the user on tenant failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (VERSIONS 002)
Reason: Creating project version failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (BOARDS 003)
Reason: Creating board failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (FILTERS 007)
Reason: Creating Filter failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (FILTERS_PARTIAL 008)
Reason: Creating Filter partial failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (FILTERS_SETTINGS 009)
Reason: Creating filter due to user permissions failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (FILTERS_SETTINGS 009)
Reason: Creating filter due to user permissions failed
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.
Category: Miscellaneous (UNCHECKED_BY_USER 010)
Reason: Excluded by user
Resolution: Check restore job logs from job details.