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Site health reports

  • Site Health Reports provide insights into the stability, performance, and efficiency of a Jira instance by analyzing configuration elements such as assets objects and dependencies.

  • These reports help admins monitor, optimize, and prevent potential issues within their Jira setup.

Use cases

  1. Identify & Fix Misconfigurations 🛠

  • Helps detect incorrect, redundant, or conflicting assets configurations.

  • Example: Identifying Object types with no objects that are no longer aligned with team processes.


  1. Optimize Performance & Reduce Clutter 🚀

  • Analyzes configurations that may slow down Jira performance (e.g., too many object schemas)

  • Example: A site with 100 object schemas but only 20 are actively used—flagging unused object schemas improves efficiency.

  1. Helps in Cleanup process 🏷

  • A Jira instance has 500 object types, but only 100 are in active use.

    • Helps reduce database load and improve performance.

  1. Site Backup & Restore Preparedness 🔄

  • An admin wants to verify that all critical configurations are backed up properly.

    • Helps avoid losing essential project settings during data recovery.

How to check site health reports in Revyz app

  • Go to “Site health“ in left navbar

    • Jira configurations health

    • Assets configurations health

  • Reports can be downloaded in CSV and PDF format.


Assets configurations health reports

Object type

Health parameter



Object type

Object types with no objects STANDARD

This report provides a list of Asset object types that currently have no associated objects within the system. This report is useful for identifying and managing unused asset object types, helping to streamline asset management and optimize system resources.

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