Issue Linking Objects
Issue linking objects is if any assets objects are used in Jira issues then to link restored asset object with issues
Following is the schema in which object (A2_Object1) is linked with issues

In below example Object A2_Object1 linked in issue (FJP-4624). So if you want to restore A2_Object1 then you have to link restored objects to issue too

Steps to restore such objects which is having link to issues
Click on “Restore in left navbar“
Click on “Assets objects” in top navbar
Select snapshot , schema name, object type & click on “Restore preview“
You can restore the object by restoring object Schema, object type too

Select “A2_Object1“ and click on “Restore“

Check prompt message & click on “Restore“ again

After triggering restored job, Click on Job_id. Here, job id is 6
Initially, Job status is action required i.e object is linked to issue so you have to click on “Start issue linking“
It will give the prompt that “Have you updated the field context“ - Update the context and click on “Restore”
If you restore Object schema then you have to provide new schema name in the context so that it will link object to restored object type of restored schema without fail
If object type name is same then it will create object type with revyz[job id] so you have to update Object type name_revyz[job id] in field context
If object is restore then it will create with same name but setting in the context “Field can store multiple objects: Yes“ so that it will restore the object with same name

Object with issue linking is restored successfully

Object is restored with new id & also issue is linked