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Restore Assets objects along with Object Types

  • Assets objects - You can restore assets objects while restoring Object Types

  • You can see the dependencies like object types, statuses, attributes of selected object schema and you can restore objects of object types from that schema.

Steps to restore Assets Objects

  • Click on “ Restore” in left navbar. Click on “Assets configurations clone” on top navbar

  • Select Assets configurations snapshot on source site, click on “Next“

  • Select destination site & Assets configurations snapshot

  • Click on Compare snapshots - It will compare the changes between source & destination


  • Select object schema or object type to restore & click on Review dependencies. It will show all the dependencies of selected configurations


  • Click on Restore objects - It will show the object types selected for restore. Select Object Types for which you want to restore objects for and click on View summary

  • Summary page will show the summary of selected items.

  • Click on “Clone”. Enter source site name & again click on “Clone“

  • Check restored job on “Jobs“ page. Click on Job id & check restore details

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