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Schedule 1: Subject Matter and Details of Processing



Contact details for data protection:

Main address:

35767 Hibiscus Ave, Fremont, CA, 94536, USA

Provider activities:

Data Management



Details of Processing

Categories of Data Subjects:

Data added by Controller into the following Atlassian applications:

  • Jira

  • Confluence

Categories of Customer Personal Data:

Unknown to Processor as the data is encrypted

Sensitive Categories of Data and additional associated restrictions/safeguards:

Data is encrypted in motion and at rest, more information on the encryption process is available here - Revyz Security & Compliance Overview

Frequency of transfer:

Every 24 hours or as and when needed by the Controller

Nature of the Processing:

Securely storing the controllers data offsite for the primary purpose of data protection

Purpose of the Processing:

Securely storing the controllers data offsite for the primary purpose of data protection

Duration of Processing / retention period:

3 years

Transfers to Subprocessors:

Data provided by the controller is processed by the following subprocessor: Amazon Web Services - more details below

Sub-processor engaged by the Processor for the Processing of Personal Data

(category of) Personal Data processed by the Sub-processor

Type of Processing

Country of Processing

Country where Sub-processor’s registered office is located

Sub-processors for data provided by the Controller as part of utilizing the services provided by the provider

Amazon Web Services

Data As put into the Primary software - JSM

Cloud Hosting

Australia, Canada, Germany, Singapore, USA

Depending on where the Controllers Atlassian data resides - Reference data residency policy


Sub-processors for data provided by the Controller as part of engaging and communicating with the provider


Name, Email

Support Request Ticketing




Name, Email

Marketing Automation




Name, Email

Email Delivery



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