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Limitations of Jira configurations

Issue types

Issue types with hierarchy level other than 0, 1 and -1
  • Jira supports custom hierarchy levels. However, the Atlassian API does not allow to create issue types with hierarchy level other than 0, 1 and -1

  • For issue types other with hierarchy level other than 0, 1 and -1 will be restored by Revyz with hierarchy level 0.

Issue type scheme

Default issue type scheme
  • Default issue type scheme cannot be updated. If an issue type is created, it is automatically added to the default issue type scheme.

  • However, if extra issue types are present in the default issue type scheme, it will not be removed from the default issue type scheme.


Locked / System fields

Due to Jira API limitation, locked field can’t be updated or created.

Category field in Jira work management

Due to Jira API limitation, locked/system field can’t be updated or created.

category field JWM-20240918-132127.png
Field type - Assets objects
  • Atlassian doesn't provide the details of the context configuration for this type of field.

  • Configuration refers to determining which schema to use and specifying which filters to apply when displaying results during object searches in the field.


Creation of Active workflow

If destination workflow is active, it is created with the suffix as an inactive workflow due to Atlassian Limitation.

Possible reasons of workflow failing
  1. If there are multiple global transitions(status with transition to itself) with same name, the workflow creation fails.

  2. If directed transitions (transition from status-1 to status-2) and global transitions (transition from any status to itself) have same names.

  3. If workflow name contains unnecessary white-spaces.

  4. Plugins used in workflow should be present on both the site for the workflow creation to be successful.

Conditions used in workflow

During the workflow restoration using “Jira Configuration Clone” or “Project Clone” features, the "Compare Number Custom Field Condition" was restored as a "Value Field Condition" due to limitations with the Atlassian API.

Validators used in workflow

When restoring workflows using the "Jira Configuration Clone" or "Project Clone" features, the "UserPermissionValidator" will not be restored due to limitations with the Atlassian API

Workflow restore using scriptrunner, JMWE, JSU, JWT .
  • When restoring workflows using the "Jira Configuration Clone" or "Project Clone" features, the following object dependencies used in workflow rules must be manually created & mapped on the destination site:

    • Custom fields

    • Project roles

    • Issue security schemes

    • Groups

    • Statuses

    • Resolutions

  • However, all workflow rules (validators, conditions, and post functions) will be restored.

Workflow schemes

Creation of Active workflow scheme

If destination workflow scheme is active, it is created with the suffix as an inactive workflow scheme due to Atlassian Limitation.


Create / update Groups using connect app

Group can not be created & updated using connect app credentials due to Atlassian API limitation.

Project Roles Actors / Project People Permissions

Creation of users/groups used in project roles
  • Role actors cannot be added directly to a Project due to API limitation.

  • Groups / Users can't be created or updated due to API limitation. If user / group is present on destination site then it will attached to project role.

Permission schemes

Create / update permission scheme
  1. If Jira site has free plan then permission scheme can not be created.

  2. We don't update Permission scheme as it may adversely affect other Project permissions. Especially in case of Cross-Site clone where the Projects connected to a updated permission scheme may vary, it can result in unwanted permission exposure.

  3. Groups/users can't be created or updated due to API limitation.

    1. While creating a permission scheme, if user / group is present on destination site then it will be attached to permissions used in the permission scheme.

  4. During the cloning process, the permission scheme automatically creates a Project Role: atlassian-addons-project-access by default.

Notification schemes

Update notification scheme
  1. Groups/users can't be created or updated due to API limitation. If user / group is present on destination site then it will attached to notification scheme.

  2. Notifications of type user custom field & group custom field can not be created due to Atlassian API limitation.

  3. Group mapping with the notifications is not returned by atlassian at the time of backup hence we can not restore it & the group mapping is only returned for default notification scheme and not for rest of the notification schemes.

  4. We don't update notification scheme as it may affect other notifications which are already set.

Issue security schemes

Update Issue security scheme
  1. Groups/users can't be created or updated - API limitation. If user / group is present on destination site then it will attached to issue security scheme.

  2. Issue security levels mapping with user custom field & group custom field, project role & project lead can not be created due to Atlassian API limitation.


  1. Not able to backup all the settings related to boards.

  2. Revyz is not capturing board permissions - We will support this in future.


Filters restore
  1. If all the components are present in JQL then only the filter will get created successfully.

  2. Project clone - At the time of restore, If project is present on destination then we update the JQL, else we restore the same JQL.

Request types

Request types
  1. Atlassian doesn’t have API support for the following hence Revyz app cannot clone it:

    1. Create or Modify a JSM Portal Settings / Groups.

    2. Create or Modify Workflow statuses in case of customized status names

    3. Create or Modify Request type fields which are used in ‘Request Forms’.

      1. If a Form was used in ‘Request Forms’ page then it will be restored as a new Forms template

    4. Create or Modify Request type fields which are added explicitly on ‘Issue view’.

      1. If the fields are added from Screens then it will be clone as expected. It is recommended that you update fields on ‘Issue view’ from the screen rather than ‘Request Types’ page.

    5. Create or Modify JSM project features

      1. It has to be manually enabled and the request types are to be linked post clone

  2. Project clone - If new project is created, A default request types gets created which may not be a part of source project's request types.

Issue priorities

Reasons of issue priority failure
  • Issue priorities fails, if color hexadecimal has 3 or 4 digits as it is Atlassian restriction.

Issue Attributes

  • When restoring status through “Jira Configuration Clone” or “Project Clone” features, the Icon_URL will not be restored due to limitation with Atlassian API

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