In AWS, click on bucket name which is created for storage
Select your Jira site id
Click on Permissions
Do to Bucket Policy - > Click on Edit
Paste the policy which is copied while installing the app
Click on Save Changes
What is the frequency of the Jira data backup?
A backup job automatically runs every 24 hours at selected time frame (E.g. 12.00 - 2.00 UTC). You as the administrator do not have to do anything to schedule the backups, they occur automatically.
Where is my Jira data backed up to?
Does Revyz app have audit logs?
All activity within the Revyz app is logged. Please reference the audit log feature available within the Revyz app under the “Audit log” menu.
Where can I learn more about Revyz's Security & Compliance ?
To learn more about Revyz’s Security policies, please Revyz’s security documentation available here.
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