Installing the app
To install Revyz Data Manager for Confluence - BYOS app, you must be a site admin.
Log in to your Jira site as an admin
Click on “Apps”
“Explore more apps
Search for “Revyz”
Search for the revyz app in the Atlassian marketplace
The app tile appears as the search results filter
Install the app
Click on the “Revyz data manager for Confluence - BYOS app tile to start the install process
Click on “Try it free”
Click on “Start free trial”
The app installation process starts and you will see two messages come up in the left bottom half of your screen
Installation starting message
Configure the app
Once the Installation completion message is seen - Click on “Manage app”
Before you begin, you will need to create S3 Bucket on Amazon AWS to store the backups
To create s3 bucket -
On next screen, you need to give a Bucket name which you have created for storage
Revyz will write data at the time of backup in the given bucket
Revyz will read data from the same bucket for restore
On next screen, you will get a bucket policy which will allow Revyz IAM user to read, write, tag objects in your s3 bucket.
Copy that JSON bucket policy and paste it in Permissions section of your bucket in AWS.
It's important to ensure that the necessary policy is added to the bucket before clicking the Validate Storage button to avoid any configuration or access issues.
On next screen it will verify the permissions once bucket policy is added.
Permissions are assigned to the IAM user.
If required permissions are not added in the bucket policy then setup will not be completed i.e you will not be able to install the BYOS app.
Revyz also checks the “Delete“ permission and Revyz has no delete access to your bucket so it is confirmed that Revyz can not delete any object from your bucket.
Click on Activate storage, which will activate your storage.
Configure which Spaces gets backed up
If you want to run backup immediately, then select Run data immediately option