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Licenses & Pricing


The licensing for Revyz products is based on number of users in your Atlassian products. The license count is automatically picked up by the Atlassian Marketplace, based on the number of user licenses in the corresponding Atlassian product tenant.

As an example if you Atlassian Jira cloud tenant is licensed for 550 users, the corresponding Revyz product will also be licensed for the same number of users.

Additional details are explained in the Atlassian Marketplace licensing terms.


To calculate the pricing for your Revyz app, you can use the pricing calculator in the Atlassian Marketplace:

  • Navigate to the Revyz app you want to install in the Atlassian Marketplace (e.g. Revyz Jira Backup & Restore)

  • Open the “Pricing” tab

Please read the information above about license size carefully to make sure you enter the correct user count and billing cycle.

Our apps are priced per user and month within the different user tiers within the Atlassian Marketplace.

As an example: (pricing shown below is only for illustration of how price is calculated)

Team size Monthly per user

Up to 10 (Flat fee) USD 4.00

11-100 USD 3.50

101-250 USD 3.00

251-1000 USD 2.50

1001-2500 USD 2.25

2501-5000 USD 2.00

5001-7500 USD 1.75

7501-10000 USD 1.50

10001-15000 USD 1.25

15001-20000 USD 1.00

The pricing for a license of 750 users would be calculated as follows:

Users: 1 - 10 = $4.00 * 10 = $40

11 - 100 = $3.50 * 90 = $315

101 - 250 = $3.00 * 150 = $450

251 - 750 = $3.50 * 500 = $1,750

  • The total price would be $40 + $315 + $450 + $1,750 = $2,555 per month.

  • When paying annually, the price would be 10 * $2,555 = $25,550.00 per year.

Your individual price is also shown next to the “License size” as explained above.

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