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Disaster Recovery - If your site is down

Use cases

  1. If a customer's Atlassian site is down, and they wish to spin up a new site, they can restore Jira configurations from the backup of the site that is currently down.

  2. If site is not accessible and Revyz app is installed on that site and customer wants to restore everything on new site

Example - customer site is ““ and revyz app is installed on this site. Now customer want to setup a new site to clone the data of old site which is ““ so they can use Revyz app to restore “Jira Configurations“.

How it works through Revyz app

  1. Generate Token (Source site)

  • Inside Settings → Disaster recovery connections. Generate Token button will be available.

  • Which will generate a token. User has to store it in secured location as it will be required at recovery process.

    • Recommendation: Whenever you install an app, please generate recovery token as soon as possible for future use if your site gets inaccessible / blocked.

  • After token is generated, status would be “Activation pending“.


  1. Activate Connection (Destination site)

  • The connection should be activated when your source / main site is inaccessible.

  • Create another site which will eventually become your main site and we will call it as destination site for further use.

  • Inside Settings → Disaster recovery connections - > On destination site, Click on “Activate connection“

    • Paste the Token which have copied on source site. Also enter the source site base URL.


  1. Actions related to token / connections

  • Reset token

    • When it should be done: When your token is lost

    • What will happen: It will reset the toke. New token is generated for the same connection.

  • Refresh token

    • When it should be done: when status is in “Activation pending” state.

    • What will happen - After refreshing , it will generate the new token, the current token will no longer be valid.

  • Release connection

    • Yes - You can use the token in future.

    • No - Token can not be use in future. You have to generate a new token

  • Deactivate connection

    • Deactivate - You can not recover the source site data if connection is deactivated.


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