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Navigation Basics

This topic explains the basics of navigation with in the Revyz Configuration Assessment Manager for Jira

Log in to your Jira site as an admin

  1. Click on “Apps

  2. Manage your apps

  3. In the left navigation of the “Apps” page you will see the “REVYZ ASSESSMENT MANAGER FOR JIRA” menu

  4. You could also go into the “Settings” menu within the Revyz app by clicking on the button “Get started” or “Configure

Depending on what you want to do in the Revyz app you can select from the top level menu listed on the left hand side navigation

Top level menu options include:

  • Assessment

  • Site insights

  • Settings


The pages in the “Assessment” section of the app are:

  • Home - Shows all added customers and allow to add new customer

  • Run new assessment - Allows you to run assessment job for particular Jira cloud site


The pages in the “Site insights” section of the app are:

  • Compare automation rules - The "Compare automation rules" view provides a detailed comparison of two automation rules. It allows you to examine the differences between versions of same rule or two rules within same site or across site.

  • Run new assessment - Allows you to run assessment job for particular Jira cloud site


  • Credential sets - It allows you to create credentials (Email id, API token) to run assessment jobs.

  • Access control - Access control allows you to manage which user groups can access the app, even if users are not administrators.

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